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Cover Image For Hodge, Kamesha Jerae

Hodge, Kamesha Jerae

ATLAS OF CONSCIOUSNESS- dwelling in the south side of D.C. for the majority of my life, i have witnessed many of the struggles and complexities of urban living; however, while i did not let my living environments affect me academically - emotionally and mentally, this world around me took its toll. i'm more than my society tells me i am. and so are we. we are rebellious youths, but we are not insubordinate or unruly. we are angry, but we have just reasons in a society that constantly tells us that we're not worth investments (i.e. a decent educational system, music that uplifts rather than further oppresses it, sending people to prison without a proper rehabilitation regime). we think about more than money, sex, and drugs. this is the atlas of our consciousness, so brace yourself for the softest of the trilogy.

Item: 145357908

Price: $15.99

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