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Cover Image For Schill, Gilbert E. "Bud"

Schill, Gilbert E. "Bud"

NOT EXACTLY ROCKET SCIENISTS AND OTHER STORIES- Tony Dow ("Wally" on "Leave It To Beaver" TV series): "What fun! It was like I was hanging out with Lumpy, Eddie and the guys fromour show again. Every adult will be able to see something of themselves in these great stories of youth. They are a must read for anyone who longs for the simple, innocent fun of growing up with the spirit of the 50's and 60's. I feel like I know these three loveable goofballs and wish I could have spent more time being with them. Rocket Scientists should be a television series itself, underscoring the sweetness, innocence, and simplicity that have passed us by."

Item: 168348851

Price: $19.95

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