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Cover Image For Hockenberry, James

Hockenberry, James

SO BEWARE- At the start of So Beware, the final book in award-winning Hockenberry's World War I Intrigue Series, the Great War has ended, but the perils continue. War has taken a new form. Martin now leads security for the U.S. Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference while Shannon Keller becomes one of its translators. Keller becomes a spy for Allen Dulles's infant agency, infiltrating the renegade German Paramilitary Freikorps.

Together, they are caught in a cauldron of deceit and danger. Europe is in ruins, and the victors of the Great War demand retribution. The democratic Allies meet in Paris to patch together peace accords. Three forces threaten the talks: Lenin's call for a worldwide Communist revolution, the renegade German Freikorps' refusal to accept defeat, and the Allies' disagreements over the shape of the post-war world.

These forces converge on Martin and the Kellers. Together, they fight against time, diabolical enemies, and murderous associates to keep the Allied leaders safe and to thwart attempts to doom the fragile peace. Events engulf them. The tension climaxes when an air assault threatens the final signing of the Versailles peace treaty.

Failure to stop this attack could ignite a new cataclysm.

The Series dramatizes America's experience in the Great War and richly depict the tensions and controversies of the times. It weaves together concerns that resonate today: terrorism, the cost of military engagements, and competing ideological challenges.

Item: 108815433

Price: $18.49

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