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Cover Image For Stabile, Lannie

Stabile, Lannie

GOOD MORNING TO EVERYONE EXCEPT MEN WHO NAME THEIR DOGS ZEUS- Accessible as it is sharp, Good Morning to Everyone Except Men Who Name Their Dogs Zeus is a poetry collection that conveys an important message: the damage of patriarchy, its effects on our mental health, and the legacy that Zeus leaves behind. In this poetry collection, Lannie Stabile explores the patriarchal culture that firstly leads men to call their dogs Zeus, and secondly leads us all to accept that as kind-of okay — ignoring the fact that all-powerful Zeus, symbol of masculinity and thunder god, famously used his dominion to manipulate, abduct, and prey on countless women, human and deity alike. Interspersing Greek mythology with personal tales, weaving between adult and childhood narratives, Stabile masterfully brings together modern and ancient stories that will resonate deeply with the impact of a lightning strike. In dealing with heavy topics like depression and sexual assault, the author gives voice to the thoughts, feelings, and bodily experiences of countless people who find it so difficult to connect with, let alone express, their experiences.

Item: 183822061

Price: $12.99

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