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Cover Image For Finegan, Jeffrey E.

Finegan, Jeffrey E.

TIS WELL: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF GEORGE WASHINGTON- In 1754 an untried Virginian Colonel and a young Scottish surgeon forge a friendship on the savage battlefields of the French and Indian War. Their relationship would last a lifetime. Dr. James Craik had no way to know his friend, George Washington, would some day become the most famous man in the world. To Washington, Craik was his "compatriot in arms and oldest and intimate friend." Mary V. Thompson, Research Historian at The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington, Mount Vernon, Virginia, writes . . . "George Washington was a man who did not makes friends easily and once advised a young nephew to remember that "true friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shock of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation." Jeffrey E. Finegan's latest book, "Tis Well....The Life and Death of George Washington tells the story of Washington's life through the eyes of Dr. James Craik, a Scottish immigrant who became Washington's friend and family physician. The two met and served together during the French and Indian War and would remain friends, quite literally, until Washington's deathbed over forty years later. Among the adversities the two weathered were the battle at Fort Necessity, an early defeat and one of the lowest points of Washington's life, and the Conway Cabal, when Dr. Craik sent word to Washington of a plot to have him removed from command of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. The story of this strong friendship is enhanced with lovely illustrations by Preston Keith Hindmarch, and photographs of surviving documents from the period that relate to events in their lives." Join Dr. Craik as he recounts their journey through the 18th century to George Washington's final hours in his candlelit bedroom at Mount Vernon. 'Tis Well is the second story in the "I knew George Washington" series.

Item: 098528194

Price: $18.95

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